More Complete with the Latest Features, Ruang Ngaji Application Receives the Award "Best Innovation for Completing Quranic Illiteracy Based on Mobile Applications in Indonesia in 2023"
Aplikasi Ruang Ngaji sebagai software keluaran J99 Corp menerima penghargaan dalam kategori “Inovasi Terbaik Penuntasan Buta Huruf Al-Qur’an Berbasis Aplikasi Mobile se-Indonesia Tahun 2023”.
Welcoming the New Year, J99 Corp. Strengthens Innovation with the Launch of MS GLOW Aura Series Eau de Perfume
MS GLOW launched its newest product variant, namely MS GLOW Aura Series Eau de Perfume at the end of 2023, which was held at Margo City Mall, Depok.
J99 Corp. Through MS GLOW Donates 1 Billion Rupiah for Palestine Through BAZNAS
Penyerahan Donasi dirangkai dengan pengajian dan do’a bersama. Ratusan seller MS GLOW di seluruh Indonesia ikut terlibat dalam donasi kemanusiaan.
J99 Corp. Presents "Train to Beauty" - The First Collaboration of Beauty Clinic and PT KAI in Indonesia
J99 Corp mempersembahkan “Train to Beauty” sebagai bentuk kolaborasi antara MS GLOW Aesthetic Clinic dengan PT KAI Persero pada Senin, 13 November 2023 di Stasiun Bandung.
Gilang Juragan 99 Returns to Campus, Provides Entrepreneurship Motivation for Malang State University Students
Gilang W. Pramana supported the Expotive 2023 event presented by BEM UM by attending as a speaker. Support is also provided through various superior J99 Corp products. As well as ambulances for the campus and BEM UM.
J99 Corp. With Brands Across Industries, Ready to Take on the Global Market!
J99 Corp. berpartisipasi dalam Trade Expo Indonesia ke-28 sebagai
langkah pertama melakukan ekspor. Enam brand dan satu manufaktur diusung J99 Corp. dalam pameran luring yang diadakan di ICE BSD pada 16 – 22 Oktober 2023.
Commemorating the Year of the Kanjuruhan Incident, J99 Corp. Provides Support for Victims' Families
J99 Corp. through the J99 Foundation provided assistance of IDR 100,000,000 to the Kanjuruhan Family Harmony Association
Feel light and refreshed with Jiwater, Artesian Water by J99 Corp.
Artesian Water Mengalami Proses Filtrasi Alami Sehingga Memiliki Kualitas Lebih Unggul Dibanding Air Minum Biasa
Jiwater Hadir Dengan Rasa Ringan, Kaya akan Mineral Tinggi yang Penuh Manfaat.
PMI of Probolinggo Regency Holds Blood Donation Event with J99 Foundation
PMI Probolinggo Regency is collaborating with the J99 Foundation to hold blood donations at the Regional Transfusion Unit (UTD) Office.
J99 Corp Presents at Brawijaya University's Management Entrepreneur Day 2022
PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia (Kosme) supports the regional creative economy program (entrepreneur day) which is held for FEB UB students.