Kosmetika Global Indonesia

Creating your own product or brand is a dream for many people. Kosmetika Global Indonesia believes that creating quality beauty products must be supported by BPOM production standards, experienced experts, and clinically tested.
Kosmetika Global Indonesia's journey began in 2018 as a manufacturing company engaged in cosmetic maklon. Starting from 1 branch, Kosmetika Global Indonesia has now expanded to 3 branches in various cities such as Malang, Cikarang, and Surabaya.
Why choose Kosmetika Global Indonesia? To date, we have been trusted by more than 275+ brands with 1400+ product variants. Not only that, we are able to adjust your cosmetic product budget with guaranteed safety and quality.
Creating beauty products must be accompanied by quality assurance. Therefore, Kosmetika Global Indonesia has met BPOM standards, halal certified by MUI, and has ISO corporate standards.
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