J99 Corp Presents at Brawijaya University's Management Entrepreneur Day 2022
FEB UB menggelar acara “Pameran Eksibisi Bisnis” bertajuk Management Entrepreneur Day (MED) 2022 berkolaborasi dengan J99 Corp.
J99 Corp Invites FEB UB Students to Improve Competencies at Management Entrepreneur Day 2022
In collaboration with the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UB, J99 Corp is present through Management Entrepreneur Day 2022.
Hold Halal Bihalal, J99 Corp Appreciates Free Umrah for Best Employees
At the halal bihalal 1443 H event, the Founder of J99 Corp gave appreciation to the best employees for carrying out free Umrah.
J99 Corp Holds Halal Bihalal, Enlivened by Denny Caknan to Tulus
Carrying the Colorful Diversity Theme, J99 Corp is holding Halal Bihalal 1443 H on May 13 2022 bringing Denny Caknan to Tulus.
With Colorful Diversity as the theme, Juragan99's Halal Bihalal is Packed with Prizes and Stars
Colorful Diversity was the theme carried by J99 Corp at the Halal Bihalal 1443 H event which was held at the Grand Mercure Hotel.