Shandy Purnamasari, Founder MS GLOW Beauty menyambut hangat kunjungan tersebut. Mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk sharing dengan J99 People, tenaga profesional MS GLOW, serta mengikuti office tour hingga kegiatan di Warehouse MS GLOW.

J99 Story
The success story of our business journey and dedication to reaching our goals through our values is something we hold dear at every step.
Business Sector
Delivering quality products and service innovations across industries equipped with professional experts.
J99 Foundation
Shandy Purnamasari, Founder MS GLOW Beauty menyambut hangat kunjungan tersebut. Mahasiswa berkesempatan untuk sharing dengan J99 People, tenaga profesional MS GLOW, serta mengikuti office tour hingga kegiatan di Warehouse MS GLOW.
Company VisitJ99 Corp.MS GLOWUniversitas Brawijaya
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