J99 Corp Invites FEB UB Students to Improve Competencies at Management Entrepreneur Day 2022

In collaboration with the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UB, J99 Corp is present through Management Entrepreneur Day 2022.
j99 dalam Management Entrepreneur Day 2022

The role of students in developing the country's progress is something that must be supported.

One way to do this is by developing talents through various programs related to students and developing the quality of human resources (HR) in Indonesia.

That way, in the future the quality of human resources will increase and they will be able to compete globally.

To support this, J99 Corp strives to be present directly among the nation's next generation.

In collaboration with the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), J99 Corp is present through Management Entrepreneur Day 2022 in Malang on Tuesday (24/5/2022) to Wednesday (25/5/2022).

The event with the theme "Rise and Shine: It's Business Time" was held as a forum to realize J99 Corp's mission of providing opportunities for human resources to grow and develop with the company.

J99 Corp hopes that the millennial generation can develop their talents through an optimal and comprehensive internship program.

The internship program is also in line with the statement of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim regarding Independent Learning Campus (MBKM).

This program is also a golden opportunity for students to improve their competence independently and improve their ability to collaborate with the aim of producing the best graduates with superior human resources so they can compete on the international stage.

Currently, J99 Corp's intensive HR development program through internships and other activities is provided to FEB UB students internally.


Entrepreneur Day

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