J99 Corp Presents at Brawijaya University's Management Entrepreneur Day 2022

FEB UB held a "Business Exhibition" entitled Management Entrepreneur Day (MED) 2022 in collaboration with J99 Corp.
J99 Corp bekerja sama dengan Departemen Manajemen FEB UB

The Faculty of Business Economics, University of Brawijaya Malang held quite an interesting event for its students, namely the Business Exhibition Exhibition for students entitled Management Entrepreneur Day (MED) 2022 in collaboration with J99 Corp.

This annual event will be held for two days from 24 to 25 May 2022 in front of the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB) building.

According to Erie Fakhri, deputy chief executive, the product exhibition on display at this year's Management Entrepreneur Day (MED) event was an event attended by students majoring in management who were taking the entrepreneurship laboratory class.

"So the aim is to provide a platform for students so that they can get first experience in the world of business. And the hope is that later it won't just stop here, but they can continue the business ideas they have presented here and sustain it for their future," said Erie Fakhri when met at the location. , Tuesday (24/05)

For the products exhibited at the 2022 Management Entrepreneur Day (MED) event in collaboration with J99 Corp, this time there are a total of 103 entrepreneurial products, all of which are original products made by FEB students.

"A total of 103 entrepreneurial products were exhibited at the event over the past two days, so everything here is the product of our own friends and nothing we picked up or took from other people's work. "We don't allow it and they have to use their own creativity," explained Erie Fakhri.

Internship Program

Meanwhile, Suluk Waseso Segoro CHRO J99 Corp said, as the main sponsor, J99 Corp has two main programs.

The first program is to support or provide total support for the success of the annual student event at the Faculty of Business Economics (FEB) Universitas Brawijaya. The second program provides space for all FEB students who want to do internships together, especially in every company under the control of J99 Corp.

The internship program aims to train students' skills both in theory and in direct practice at companies that are members of J99 Corp.

"So there are two programs, the first is to support giving prizes to the winners at the MED event, so that students are more enthusiastic about increasing their business creativity. "Secondly, we are opening it up to friends who really want to do an internship together, how do they do an internship at the J99 Corp group, so they can get knowledge in class and also practice in the field," said Suluk Waseso Segoro CHRO J99 Corp, to Kliktimes.com , Tuesday (24/05)

There are several internship or internship programs that students can choose from, starting from IT, finance accounting, graphic design, editor, and legal.

"So we are currently open for internships or apprenticeship programs. "This internship is for groups, so every company under J99 Corp is open for internship vacancies starting from HR, IT, finance accounting, graphic design, editors, there are legal ones too," explained Suluk Waseso Segoro CHRO J99 Corp.

The internship program run by J99 Corp itself is a form of support to help the programs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek). The hope is that through this internship program, each student will be able to put into practice the knowledge they have gained so that they are ready to become entrepreneurs after graduating.

"So the apprenticeship program run by J99 Corp aims to support the Ministry of Education and Culture's program, namely MBKM (free independent learning campus). "The output of students who graduate is ready, both for work and entrepreneurship," said Suluk Waseso Segoro CHRO J99 Corp.


Entrepreneur Day

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